Our Company Bio Unitek LTD is a direct importer of Canned Wild Caught Alaska Pink Salmon (Produced: Ocean Beauty Seafoods Inc Seattle,USA) to Bulgaria and the EU based in Varna. This canned food has maximum quality and taste as it is caught and processed in cleanest area of the world – Alaska. Our intentions are to propose this food items in net weight 418 g and net 213 g to government programs of food reserves, food banks and military as it is reliable and safe source of fish menu for proper dietary requirements. Contents of the product: Alaska Wild Caught Pink Salmon in its own juice, salt. Guaranteed storage term is 5 years from production date. Storage conditions are ambient temperatures up to +25 degrees C. If these food items are raising interest to provide your supplies and food programs, we’ll be more then happy to provide you with these items. Usual quantity is 20 foot container which comes with 32640 cans of 418 g cans (tall) or 63840 cans (halves) of 213 g net weight. Orders may be fulfilled within one month from the order made to the port of your destination or within three days FOB Varna, Bulgaria. We will be more then happy to provide you with samples of these products to taste. biounitek(at)gmail(dot)com +359889331552 skype biounitek
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Roman Garkavenko
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Водные биоресурсы, ООО
ИНН: 7735153790
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ИНН: 9725153882
Дикий Улов, ООО
ИНН: 7802340124
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ИНН: 7715857830
НАТАЛИ (1990), ООО
ИНН: 5009098656
ТИХРЫБКОМ Магаданские Морепродукты, ООО
ИНН: 5007103702
Фуд Тим, ООО
ИНН: 4025451411
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ИНН: 1005080636
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