Компания Turkaylar Aquaculture
Our company started it’s business in the field of aquacultural resources in 2011 and has become a pioneer and a competitive power in this sector through a continuos development and technological substructure. TURKAYLAR AQUACULTURE has been carrying on its business in the fields of selling trout feed, culture fishing and shipping of alive and frozen fish. The target of our company is while contributing our country’s economy, to serve healthy and qualified products to be consumed safely. We aim at our producers prosperity as well as the consumers’ satisfaction. Our company includes A feed selling Office in Keban and Elazığ Hatchery in Kemaliye Pools for growing trout fingerlings Aquaculture with the capacity of 800 tons per year
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Cihan Turkay
Sales Manager
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ИНН: 7807271795
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ИНН: 7735153790
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ИНН: 9725153882
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НАТАЛИ (1990), ООО
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ИНН: 5007103702
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